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MD/PhD program

MD/PhD programme

After graduating, outstanding students of Medicine are offered the possibility of following a prescribed path towards the attainment of the title Dr. rer. nat. in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (MNF).


  • The MD/PhD programme is only open to candidates who have completed an experimentally oriented doctorate in Medicine with at least magna cum laude or have attained an equivalent degree abroad.
  • Candidates must apply to the dean of the MNF in writing. The application must contain proof of the excellent or very good result in Medicine (see above), a written acceptance from the host working group (doctoral supervisor), and a written acceptance from a supervisor from MNF (second assessor).
  • Candidates must complete 30 credit points in a Master's programme in the MNF approved by the dean and pass the corresponding exam as "preparatory studies".
  • Once these conditions are fulfilled, the academic title of Dr. rer. nat. can be acquired in accordance with the Doctorate Regulations of the MNF.

Please arrange a consultation with the Dean's office of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty (MNF).


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