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Publishing the dissertation

Along with the task of writing an expert assessment, all reviewers are sent a revision sheet. Before the permission for printing can be issued, these revision sheets must be signed and returned to the Dean's office. After passing the oral examination and presentation of all revision sheets, the permission to print will be issued. Before this occurs, the dissertation may not be published.

The dissertation must be published within one year of successfully passing the oral examination.

If your dissertation is related to a patent application it might be advisable to sign a undefinednon-disclosure note (German). In order to secure your patent application the publication of your dissertation will then be deferred.


To publish your electronic dissertation on the Heinrich Heine University document server, you will need to convert it into PDF/A-1b format and upload it to the document server. To do this, follow these instructions.

Please inform yourself in good time about the publishing format. Make sure you follow the guidelines of the ULB on Creating documents in PDF/A standard, version 1b. If you have any questions, please contact the ULB author support team.

Please hand in one copy (since Nov. 2018 only one c. is sufficient!) of your dissertation, the publication contract and your permission to print in the ULB. Ms. Kuhn and Ms. Pyka in the ULB will be happy to assist you with any queries you may have. Call them on 81-13394. Consulting hours are Monday to Thursday, mornings only (up till 12 noon). Afternoons and Fridays are only available on appointment. A receipt will be sent to you and the dean's office by the ULB. In the annex of our doctoral regulations you will find information about the layout of the title page and rear page of a dissertation.

Supervisor / Second Reviewer

  • You additionally require printed deposit copies of your dissertation or the digital version on a suitable storage medium for your supervisor and your second reviewer.
  • You require a certificate from your supervisor and your second reviewer confirming receipt of these deposit copies. Please submit this certificate to the Dean's office.
    undefinedCertificate of receipt of obligatory copies
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