Family-friendly university - networks and certificates
Family friendly university
Professors on maternity leave
Heinrich Heine University is committed to the ideas of a gender- and family-friendly university.
During maternity leave, female academics have heterogeneous requirements and needs. Female academics below the level of professorship receive the best possible support from research group leaders with regard to restrictions in their research activities, in some cases well before the actual maternity protection periods. Downtimes in teaching and self-administration are compensated for in the institutes. The situation is often more complex for female professors, as many of the activities cannot be taken over or covered by others and the period of time involved is very limited.
The faculties at HHU recognise the problems and are aware of their responsibility to provide appropriate support in an unbureaucratic manner together with the departments/institutes. Those affected are therefore asked to contact the respective dean.
or a family-friendly teaching and learning environment
HHU has been continuously committed to optimizing the compatibility of family and work/study on campus for more than a decade. Since 2014, HHU has been one of the first signatories of the Charta "Familie in der Hochschule" (Family in Higher Education) and since 2019, HHU has also been one of the first members of the "Familie in der Hochschule e. V." (Family in Higher Education Association), which has now been constituted as an association.
Freie U3-Plätze in der Großtagespflege
Beschäftigte der HHU, die ab diesem Sommer kurzfristig einen Betreuungsplatz für ihr Kind unter drei Jahren suchen, können sich im Familienberatungsbüro melden. In unseren Großtagespflegen im Storchennest Unikate in Flehe (Ulenbergstr. 1) sowie in Holthausen (Kaldenberger Str. 9) sind Plätze frei geworden. Die Kinder werden in familienähnlichen festen Gruppen betreut, bis zu neun Kinder im Alter von sechs Monaten bis drei Jahren. Zwei pädagogische Fachkräfte kümmern sich um jede Gruppe, wobei jedes Kind eine feste Bezugsperson hat, die auch für die Eltern direkt ansprechbar ist.
Weitere Informationen unter Tel. -10822 oder via E-Mail an familienberatung(at)
Family Support Centre
In addition, Family Support Centre provides support and advice on all family-related issues, including the compatibility of family or care with work or study.
It offers services related to studying with children. In addition to leisure, counseling and childcare services on campus and in the city, these include the "Mobile Parent-Child Office" (MEKiBü for short). This is a trolley equipped with puzzles, books, board games, building blocks, a changing mat, travel crib, socket protector, milk warmer, and more. The large wheels make it flexible to use around campus and make it easier to handle a difficult childcare situation.
Audit family-friendly University
In 2020, HHU successfully completed the auditing process "Audit familiengerechte Hochschule" (audit family-friendly university) after receiving four awards in the past 12 years for the continuous expansion of its family-friendly offerings. All 43 measures that arose during the auditing process were made permanent.