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Expert review

After submitting all the required documents, the reviewers will be instructed to present their reviews within a maximum of three months.

Arranging of an examination date

You will be informed as soon as the reviews have been submitted.

Upon submission of your documents, you will be issued with an examination appointment sheet. You and your reviewers must sign this sheet and confirm one of the suggested examination dates. Please enter on this sheet the lecture hall or seminar room in which your oral examination is to take place (Building No. / Room No.) 

In addition, you will also receive a list of examiners. Your supervisor will suggest three additional examiners (in addition to those who have reviewd your dissertation) to the Dean. Please return the examination appointment sheet and the list of examiners to us latest 3.5 weeks prior to your exam date.

The consultation period (during the lecture period: 12 calendar days and 2 days for the objection period, lecture-free period: 18 calendar days and 2 days for the objection period) will be entered on the sheet by the Dean's office.

Examination date

You, all university lecturers in the respective department and all reviewers will be notified in writing of the definitive examination date. A copy of this notification will be posted on the notice board outside the Dean's Office, if you are undertaking your doctorate in accordance with the “old” Doctorate Regulations of 06.02.2012.
If you are undertaking your doctorate in accordance with the current Doctorate Regulations of 15.06.2018, the date of your examination will be announced on the website of the Dean’s Office under the following link:

undefined Oral examination dates

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